Examples of AI You’re Using in Daily Life in 2024

The entire tech world is debating the consequences of artificial intelligence and the part AI is going to play in shaping our future. While we might think that artificial intelligence is at least a few years away from causing any considerable effects on our lives, it’s actually already here. However, did you know that Artificial intelligence is affecting our decisions and our lifestyles every day? Don’t believe me? Well, read along as we tell you 18 examples of artificial intelligence you are using in your daily life.

Examples of Artificial Intelligence In Your Daily Life (2024)

In this article, we have mentioned all sorts of AI examples that we are knowingly or unknowingly part of. You can expand the table below and move to the corresponding section with just a click.

1. Chatbots

At this point in time, all of us are accustomed to using various chatbots on the Internet. Whether it is something as simple as a customer service bot to one that talks like a human, there are bots of all kinds. However, did you know a lot of the bots you have been using are actually examples of artificial intelligence?

A prominent example of this is ChatGPT. People started out using this chatbot as just another online companion. However, you’ll be surprised to know that, ChatGPT is actually an artificial intelligence-powered chatbot. ChatGPT is powered by OpenAI’s large language model (GPT 3). The company has also released a newer model titled GPT-4, an LLM available to Plus users.

The bot has been designed to mimic human-like responses and perform a variety of tasks. While people initially used the chatbot for simple conversations, it quickly turned out that ChatGPT is capable of doing just about anything online.

ChatGPT best prompts

The AI chatbot can write blog posts, generate and debug complex code, weave vivid stories, give recipes, and answer almost any question you would ask it. This lends ChatGPT a lot of power to help with anything. ChatGPT is even getting Internet access soon with OpenAI releasing plugins for it. The next time you go about using ChatGPT or its alternatives, do remember that it is one of the best examples of artificial intelligence in 2024. And if you already use it, check out these cool things you can do with ChatGPT and be amazed.

2. Microsoft Bing

While Google has always been the go-to search engine for almost everyone, Microsoft has now revamped Bing with artificial intelligence. The new AI Bing has been specially created to give the search engine the power to intelligently give nuanced responses by its AI. However, Bing also benefits from the new Chat mode.

MS Bing examples of artificial intelligence

Bing AI’s Chat mode essentially lets any user talk to the search engine and draw up all forms of search results. Like ChatGPT, Bing can answer a wide variety of questions and do a lot of things. Since its release, MS Bing has soared in popularity with the website registering over 100 million daily active users. If you’re already a part of the crowd using MS Bing AI, you might have already tried out this powerful example of artificial intelligence.

3. Google Duplex and Hold For Me

Google Duplex is another AI-based service that is truly leveraging the full potential of AI. In 2018, Google demonstrated Duplex which could book a table at restaurants on your behalf. It mimics the human voice and understands context and replies naturally just like any other human being. You can use Google Duplex to book a movie ticket at a theater, book a seat at a salon, and more. Currently, the service is only limited to the US and is available only in English.


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